Friday, March 5, 2010


I learned from Marta's online blogging workshop to not jumble lots of ideas into posts. To give each idea it's own post. But I learned from myself that I'm too lazy to do that. Beware, this is a long one friends.

  • So I started this early morning walking group a few weeks ago and I am LOVING it. It's early, but not too early, and briskly energizing, but not too fast, and the perfect amount of people and talk. You know how I love to talk. I love running different ideas I have past them, and can see how much just spending an extra few hours a week with certain people has the tendency to form strong bonds and relationships. Not sure I am getting any more in shape, but at least I can sleep better knowing that at least I've done some sort of exercise. I had to let go of my gym membership cause it was too pricey for the amount I was using it, and needed an alternate form of exorcise. Last time I woke up this early on a regular basis, was for a running group. Now I loved the group, but hated the running. But this walking thing is perfect. I'm sure some wished we went faster, but in all honesty, I'm loving the pace, the route, the women. Everything. In fact I would go so far as to recommend a early morning walking group to every woman out there. Something so great and important for women and mothers especially to move their bodies daily, and talk and foster good friendships with women. My early walks accomplish both.
  • So, I think I am addicted to Winder Dairy milk. We get it delivered every Monday and I just love it. Lately for whatever reason, we are consuming more milk (probably cause of the pure awesomeness of it) and we've run out by Friday. So a few weeks ago I sent Hubs (big mistake) to pick up milk, and being the saver that he is, he got generic milk and not Winder Dairy. And yes there is a large difference on price, but also a large difference in taste. Skim Winder is creamy, but not too creamy, and hormone and antibiotic free, and just delish. Generic skim milk is like drinking white water. Ewwww.
  • I don't want to even discuss this since it's just plain terrible, but I feel it must be mentioned. Jake chose Vienna. Just like reality steve said. At first I was ticked, and then I realized that I hate Jake, and think he's a total dork, and deserves crazy-eyes Vienna. Even though I think they are both horrible (how uncomfortable was that whole date with his parents?--awkward) and belong together, I still give them only 6 months max. Unless ABC says they will pay them to get married and do it on TV, in which case, they will be married in six months, and divorced in 3. I know I'm ruthless and mean. Is it just me, or are her eyes weird?
  • So, one of the reasons my blogging has been severely lacking is that I got a job. And I love it. And I think this one deserves it's own post, so I will keep you in suspense till I can get around to blogging about it.
  • I think it's crazy that even with baby number three I am still so huge. I'm always one to show right away when I'm prego. Then I stick straight out. And I look 9 months, even though I'm only like five and a half or something. I am way bigger than this lady I saw who is due in two weeks. And way larger than the other gals in my ward due a good month ahead of me. Oh well. Whaddaya do. I guess I need to realize that this is just what my body does pregnant. The end.
  • So, I gave up Sugar for Lent. Can see no noticeable difference in the three weeks since I gave it up, other than I was shocked at how much sugar I ate each day. It's no longer hard for me to pass it up though. Although sometimes I crave gummy bears. I'm thinking though that it would have been more appropriate to give up my late night snack. Which I thought giving up sugar would accomplish, since my 8 p.m. snack was usually a handful of gummy bears. No dice. Now it's yogurt, or cereal, or dried apples or raw cashews. Something. So I decided to go ahead and give that up too, cause I'm realizing that would be the big sacrifice. So, starting last night I gave it up. Oh, and just so you know, tums don't count. Yes, the heartburn has begun. So no sugar or anything after dinner until Easter. In which case I hope to start incorporating sugar back in on a limited basis, but still do without the late night snack. We'll see how it goes.
  • Have loved the warmer days. This snow today though is throwing me off and I dislike it.
  • The nursery is coming along, although I've done nothing yet, but change furniture around. First I like one table, then another, then another. As of today I have decided to paint the dresser/change table a deep dark turquoise. This might change by the time I make it to home depot and get the desire to actually paint. Still want grey walls. Mulling over the idea of painting the crib. Think it might be a bit much though. Found out it's $500 to reupholster the rocking chair/recliner that I LOVE. Might swing by RC willey and see how much it is to replace it altogether. I love that darn chair though, it's the perfect height, rocks, and reclines, and is comfy as all getout, but the light suede, has been through two kids and either needs a good cleaning--which I'm not sure will be enough, or reupholster. Still mulling this one over. Decided Hubs is going to build me a book shelf thing for the nursery. I am thinking it's going to be really easy and awesome. At least in my head it already is. I will be sure to post pictures if it happens.
  • Thing 1 has had a huge growth spurt in the past month. All his jeans have holes in the knees and are now three inches too short. He sure does rock the floods well though. Just can't justify new jeans at this point in the season though. Does this make me a terrible mom? I think I'll just buy him new longer socks.
  • Oh and keeping with Thing 1 --to keep the high top conversation at bay I told him that before he can get a pair he needed to learn how to tie. (I've never seen velcro high tops--have you?) So now he wants to spend a good half hour each day practising tieing his shoes. We still are nowhere close. And I think in fact, I'd rather listen to high-top talk than teach shoe tying. He got a haircut last week though, and darn if he isn't the cutest little guy.
  • I'm getting released on Sunday after 3.5 years in the Relief Society presidency. I have mixed feelings about this. First I was really excited, and now I'm kinda sad. I love change, and feel it's time, but wow, it's gonna be different. Got a new calling already. Released and sustained all in one day. So much for that break I was hoping for. This calling though I think is going to be a lot less intense. And will be a change for sure. I don't want to spill the beans on it just yet, but I'm sure I'll tell you sometime next week after it's official.
  • I'm starting to get slightly freaked out about new baby. He is growing so fast and now is kicking and punching so hard you can not just feel it, but see it from the outside. It freaked my kids out at first, and I thought that was funny. But now it's to that stage, when about an hour after I've eaten, he get so wiggly that it starts to make me a bit nauseous. I'm not complaining though. I am relishing every wiggle. This just might possibly be the last time I'm pregnant. I'm not saying we're done, I'm just saying adoption is looking really nice right about now.
  • Love that my kids have been just playing spy kids this whole time together that I've been writing this post. They really are best buddies and great kids. I am super lucky. Even though my daughter is getting more and more stubborn, I can't help but love it, cause she is also getting more and more hilarious. She has an awesome personality and man is she smart. Already reading, which I think is pretty neat at 3 and three quarters. We've definitely turned a corner with her, and I love it. I'm a little worried about the new baby though. Either she is going to get really jealous and mean when he arrives, or she will just act like a little mommy. I'm praying it's the latter.
  • So I signed Thing 1 up for a dual immersion program they have in his school district. I really am hoping he gets in. I would love for him to learn another language. I signed him up for French, Spanish and Chinese. We should know by march 15th. I think it would be great for my kids to be completely fluent in another language by the time they are in 6th grade. Can only be helpful in life by opening up doors and opportunities. He will have to switch schools, but I'm not anticipating this being a big deal since he already goes to a different school than all his friends. I was blown away when I sat in and observed a first grade classroom. The teacher only speaks in the opposite language. All their subjects are taught in that language, all the papers are in that language, and the kids must speak in that language. It's pretty amazing actually to hear first graders speak and understand another language after only a year of immersion. The test scores of these kids tend to be on average higher than kids in a "normal" classroom, so that's great too. I'll let you know if and when, and what language he gets in. Something to look forward to.
  • Speaking of looking forward, I've got a vacation coming up that I am ecstatic for. It's coming at just the right time. We are going with a big group of friends for a week without kids to Cali. Just exactly what I need right now. A little time away. Thanks Hoddogs for the invite!
  • Just downloaded some new apps and music to my iphone with a gift certificate to itunes from my mom for valentines day. And they are oh-so-enjoyable. Thanks Mom!

Well, I think I'm just about out of stuff to say. Seems almost impossible I know. Sorry this is so long. I need to post more often. the end.


Jo said...

I love all your posts Amy, esp. the long ones :) I would comment more often, but I usually read from work and due to working in a district, there are so many blocks on the server, I can't comment on anything! ;) Fortunately, I have today off, and am in St. George, so I am able to comment. How's that for a long convoluted omment! So excited for you and your upcoming new baby!!!

Sabrena Suite-Mangum said...

Martha would be disappointed in my random posts too... but personally, I like your recaps.

So is your 'gym membership' actually your 'flow membership?' I was hoping to practice by you, but I guess we trade of pregnancy cycles. :)

Jen said...

-A walking group would be fun, but I get contractions or something when I walk the dog. Quite painful. I'm pretty sure a walking group would kick me out for having to stop every 15 minutes and double over in pain.

-I hate that wiggly-nauseous feeling. Also, he's starting to bruise my uterus.

-Dual-immersion sounds awesome.

Unknown said...

You are getting released??? I had no idea. Relief Society will not be the same without you! You were so fantastic in that calling.

I really want to do the early morning walking group!!! I am missing out on the bonding! Too bad Gar leaves to work at 6. Oh wait, he doesn't work on Fridays. I am in on Fridays.

Sophia said...

I want in on Fridays as well! That is the only morning Curtis is not at work. I will join when I get back into town. Keep up the Lost recaps, I need all the explanations I can get.