Tuesday, March 23, 2010


K, just a quick little update to let you all know that tonight's LOST will run six minutes longer than usual. You might want to adjust your DVRs and Tivos stat since we both know that the last few minutes of lost are often times full of more information and answers than the full sixty minutes that preceded them. So yeah, go adjust those recorders now.

Also, wanted you to know that I am back from my little vacation and blogging hiatus. I've got a few blog posts a brewin'. Here is what I've got on tap for Naptime in the next few days:

  1. Last weeks lost recap & thoughts. This might be up a bit later. I watched it whilst on vacation so I wasn't able to take as thorough notes as I normally do since I had no idea where to find a single piece of paper, which was lovely. And notes in my head seem to get jumbled. I am going to watch last weeks ep again tonight and then post my thoughts after that. Sorry it's a week late. People gotta vacate yo. And I will also post my thoughts on tonight's ep probably in the a.m. once I've let my thoughts simmer and stew.
  2. A little update on the baby in utero. Just had another ultrasound today for some issues I'm having. So yeah, I'm sure that one will be riveting.
  3. A little health care post. My thoughts, as well as some really helpful links breaking down the whole thing into much more understandable language.
  4. Vacation recap. Don't want to let go of Cali just yet.
  5. and last but not least, my new job post. Lame that I haven't gotten around to that yet.

So there ya have it. Hope you stop by in a few to check em all out. Later.

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