Wednesday, March 10, 2010


First off, I want to say thanks to everyone who commented about my weird pregnancy skin thing. It's nice to know people care. I have a hunch that it just might a been those darn oranges. I stayed away from them today, and I've felt a lot better. Not itch free, but better. So thanks for the concern.

Okay dudes, lets talk LOST.

So how friggin' awesome was this episode? Right? I mean, it took me right back to the good old flash back days. Just loved the whole thing. And honestly, it was a nice break from the rat race that seems to being going on, on the island. So, without further ado, let's discuss.

  • Okay, first off, I don't want to admit it, but I'm actually finding myself liking Ben? What? This show really is crazy. So, Ben in the flash sideways, as a teacher talking about Napoleon? How classic. Exiled on an island, yet missing his power? Hmmmm. Awful familiar writers. Very sneaky.


  • We find in the flash sideways that Alex still isn't Ben's daughter, yet they have a "father/daughter" type relationship. Again with the daddy issues.
  • Love how Locke interjects the idea to Ben in the flash to disrupt life and become the principle. Inneresting. Spooky.
  • Also think it's interesting to point out that Ben takes care of his father, and they seem to have a very healthy relationship. And instead of killing him with poison like on the island, he is helping him stay alive by giving him oxygen. Very ironic. We also find a real clue about the flash sideways, that at least for Ben and Roger we find out that they did go to the island and work with the Dharma initiative, and that at some point they got off. At least in the flash sideways life. Again with the daddy issues though.
  • Love that we are finding that this internal struggle within Ben for power and to do what is right, is something that's with him even off the island. And I love that in the flash sideways he does justice right, and redeems himself, and this time saves Alex instead of going for the power. Love the allegory. And in the end he even gives up his parking space? How very un-Ben Linus of you Ben Linus.


  • We find out that Jacob, up until the moment he was killed, thought that it wouldn't happen. Not sure what this means. But thought it was interesting enough to note. Ilana finds out Ben killed him, and she gets pissed. Rightfully so, as she was his bodyguard. We also learn that Jacob was the closest thing she ever had to a father. Does this mean off the island? On the island? So many questions. . .
  • I have lots of thoughts about Miles and Lapidus. Especially Lapidus. How even though he missed his flight (815) by sleeping in, he still ended up on the island. In effect, he was meant to get on that island. Still not really sure of Miles role in this whole mess. Is he just there to give us funny one-liners and dig up diamonds?
  • We find out that Ilana is now protector of the candidates. And that candidates replace Jacob. Still don't know if Kwon is meant for Sun or Jin. But we do know there are six candidates. Six left anyhow. . .
  • Jack now seems to be a different person all of a sudden. Almost feels like I missed an episode on him or something. Or maybe he just really did learn a lot about life from staring off into the ocean that last ep. All content, and full of faith. And out pops Richard. He takes Jack and Hurley off to the Black Rock, which I am assuming the writers want us to believe is how Richard originally came to the island (so very long ago), perhaps as a slave (the chains)? Nice parallel that even though he gets freed from those chains as a slave at some point, he ends up a slave to Jacob in a way. We find that it's Richards first time back to the Black Rock. A possible answer to a question? I can't believe it! Well, a guided answer at least. We find out that Richard wants to die, but can't because he has been given some "gift" or curse depending on how you see it. He has been given eternal life, by just a touch from Jacob. We learn he can't kill himself. And that he's really bitter about that. He thinks he devoted his life in service to a man who told him that he was part of a plan, and now he thinks his life was in vain. Yeah, he's pretty pissed. Love when Hurley says, "He's crazy, and I know crazy." Jack doesn't think that anyone can die on the island until their job on the island is done. Where does all this faith come from? Does he think that Jacob is coming back? Maybe three days later?
  • Smokey/Locke comes to recruit Ben. Tells him he needs Ben to be in charge of the island. Dangles that power in front of him like a carrot. Tells him that him and his followers (Jin, Kate, Claire, Sayid, Sawyer) are all at the hydra station on the other island, and leaves a way for been to survive and escape. Ben goes for it. Interesting that he knows just what to dangle in front of Ben. Power. His ultimate temptation.
  • Onto my very favorite segment in the entire episode. Emmy winning, actually, in my humble opinion. Ben explains to Ilana that he knows how she feels. Betrayed by Jacob. And why he killed Jacob. That he regrets how Alex died. That he had a chance to save Alex, but gave it up for the island. All in the name of Jacob. He realizes and explains that he is sorry he killed Jacob. He asks to leave, and go with Locke, she asks why, and he says that very powerful awesome line, "Because he is the only one that will have me." and she beautifully replies with, "I'll have you." Oh forgiveness, how sweet you are. Loved it. Loved it. Loved it.
  • Then for the good Ben returning to the beach, being accepted by Sun. The reunion of Jack, Hurley, and Richard.
  • Then the most wackadoodle part of the whole episode. We see a really crappy fake looking submarine scope pop out of the water. The guy spies the people on the beach, and asks Widmore (Widmore!!) if he wants to go through with the plan. Widmore says yes, in a very gloom, and doom like manner. At first I thought he was gonna blast Linus. Classic. Ben is finally good, or at least his goodness is seen, and then bam, dead on the beach. But not so much. We're not sure what this plan is, but I'm thinking it's not a good one. What a great way to end the episode. Awesome cliffhanger.


  • I'm beginning to see the line between two sides firmly being drawn in the sand. Smoke monster/Locke versus Jacob. Not sure who's side Widmore lands on, but I'm thinking Smokey.
  • How is it that Widmore was able to find the island this time? Is it because Jacob is now dead?
  • Okay, how many times can I be reminded that there is only 9 episodes left? And what kind of pathetic sneak peak for next week was that? I'm guessing we are gonna finally get back to Sawyer and what's up with him, but ya never can be sure with a terrible teaser like that. Oh well.
  • I really, really, really enjoyed this episode. I think it's because I've always loved Ben, even though I used to think he was creepy and evil. His character is so deep and controversial and mysterious. Love learning more about him. And that bad doesn't always equal bad. There is some good in Ben. Loving this whole episode. I feel redeemed in a way, since I was less than impressed with some of the previous episodes this season. Again, I'm still just enjoying the ride. Not really sure they can tie up all the loose ends and answers, but I'm also not sure I'd want them too. However, it would be nice to know how the polar bears got there. But I guess we kinda know that the island can be moved, so maybe that's the answer. If that's all we're getting on the polar bears though, I'll be slightly ticked. But all in all, I give a 10 out of 10 to this ep. And a big two thumbs up to the actor that plays Ben.

If you have any other further thoughts on the subject feel free to comment away. I love to hear what y'all think.


Lisa said...

I always love your Lost wrap up. I don't have to watch as close and can just sit back and enjoy while you take notes. I loved this episode as well. The best the season. I thought that the polar bears were just part of a Dharma climate experiment. No?

Aimee said...

Agreed. Fun episode. I hope all the last 9 are intense and complex and enjoyable while answering many of our questions so the whole series doesn't disappoint me.

Love the recaps!

Ben is creepy in the best way possible.

wade said...

I am glad that you liked the episode because I thought that it was great. I thought the most interesting part and the part that I am most interested in learning more about is Ben and his dad going to the Island and coming back. I wonder if anything was different than what we saw before when they first went to the Darma Inititive and why the left. Maybe we will never know.

P.S. I miss Juliet...she was a babe.