Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Yay, okay so it's time for a little LOST recap. Spoiler alert. This is for the episode airing on 3/16, so if ya haven't seen it yet, ya might want to hit next blog. And so we begin.

  • Well, so Sawyer is still a conman. Only this time, he's on the right side of the law. So did not see that one coming. Sawyer as a cop. Kinda reminded me of when he was the security guy for the Dharma initiative. Pretty much basically the same guy, only not. Inneresting. Loving that miles is his partner. Love that the go word was "LaFleur". Classic.
  • Saw in the recap ep, that Sawyer is looking for Cooper, the guy who killed his family, which is also John Locke's father, who eventually did make it onto the island and held prisoner by the others. And then Sawyer got to kill him? Remember? Vaguely? yeah, me too.
  • Nice to see Charlotte again. Nice to see she wasn't a total beotch like on the island. Too bad he doesn't call her ginger in the flash sideways like he did on the island, but I have to say it was nice to see her all glammed up instead of spewing blood all over the place. But, in all honesty, seeing Charlotte again mostly just made me miss Daniel Faraday. He really was one of the best Lost characters wasn't he?
  • Not sure about the fact that he watches Little House On The Prarie. Downgrades his hotness a bit if you ask me.


  • Okay, how creepy is Claire's baby thing? Ewww. And does that dharma initiative not have any leftover hair brushes or hair smoothing cream, cause Claire could really use some. Oh, and some prozac.
  • How weird is Sayid acting? So am not a fan. Interesting that he and Claire have the same "sickness" only it makes Sayid placid, and boring and Claire, wacked out and crazy. Does this mean that the "sickness" affects people in different ways depending on their personalities or something. They are both such departures from their previous selves.
  • Lets talk Fake Locke. How strange is it, that in this episode the writers wanted to make him off as almost fatherly? (Oh there it is again -- daddy issues). He comforts, he understands, he tells the truth, he breaks up fights, he's insightful, he's consoling. He's so nice, I almost want to call him up and make lunch plans, except then I remember that he kills people. And that's kind of terrible.
  • Locke finally admits out loud that he is the smoke monster to Sawyer, and sends him to hydra island on a little mission. Tells him it's because, "he is the best liar he knows." Now, has smokey been following the Losties lives as well as Jacob? Or is this a Locke thought? Anyway, he finds his old stomping grounds where he was held hostage with freckles. Finds her dress. Ahh, little lost moment. Remember when Flocke/Smokey told Ben to go to hydra island? Maybe he wanted Ben to run into Widmore and have him killed. Just a little thought.
  • Locke has a little sit down with Kate where he unleashes his mommy issues. His mom was crazy. Says he still has issues with her. Yeah, well welcome to the club Smokey. My only crazy thought here, is what if he's just using Locke's past thoughts and life to draw sympathy from Kate, playing the crazy-mom card. That whole Aaron bit. Plus, is it just me, or does Smokey, talk and sound an awful lot like Locke? Using even the same phrases etc. Is this just a misstep on the writers parts? I highly doubt it. They seem to be pretty keen on details. My head is all a flutter at who Smokey's mother will turn out to be, if she exists, that is! I really hope she makes an appearance at some point if she does. Oh the possibilities! If her name however ends up being Rebekah, as in the bible story Jacob and Esau, well, that would make a lot of sense. Just a little thought there.
  • But Claire almost killing Kate at the beginning of the episode, to hugging it out at the end seems a bit much to me.
  • So the whole double scheme, con Sawyer is pulling on Fake Locke/Smokey and Widmore is awesome. He's not on either team (Jacob or Smokey), he's on team Sawyer. Can't wait to see who he ends up conning in the end. I finally feel though, like he really, really, really wants to get off the island this time. In the past it's just sorta been like it feels like he only kinda wants to get off the island. But now, he really does. Like he realizes that if he gets off, he might get to see Juliet again somehow.
  • Now, for just a moment I want to discuss the dumb locked door in the sub, cause well, they pointed it out and made such a point of doing so, that I think someone or something is inside of it, that will affect the story somehow. I'm hoping it's Daniel Farraday of course.
  • And on a side note, can I just say that I HATE, how Lost keeps introducing all these new groups of characters? First its the one plane crash with the original losties, then it's the tailers (those that were in the tail end), then it's the others, then Rosseu, then it's the dharma initiative, then its the freighters, then the other flight, then Ilana's people, then it's the temple people, then it's the new "team smokey" people, and now it's Widmore's sub characters. It's just so much to keep straight. And really, do we need any more new characters when there are only like 8 episodes left? Yeah, I didn't think so either.
  • Really, really, really, excited about tonights episdoe. I've been asking and asking for a Richard ep, and apparently it's finally here. So, I'm going to stop typing, and go watch, and revel in it. Oh, how I love you lost.
  • And just one final thought. What if, and I am really hoping here, that Hurley is the answer to it all? How cool would that be? I mean, I'm just sayin'.

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