Monday, November 9, 2009


Can we for a minute, talk about something that has been bothering me for quite some time? And for quite some time I mean, for at least the last twenty or so years of my life.
Yes, as you might have guessed from the lovely number above, my fashion conundrum is the infamous sleeveless turtleneck. I am completely confused, baffled, and quite perplexed by this piece of clothing. I mean, I just don't get it. What exactly, is the point?
I guess my question to those of you who are bold enough to actually wear this type of fashion is, are you hot? --hence the sleeveless part, or are you cold? Hence the turtleneck part? I just don't get it. Hot, or cold? Tank top, or turtleneck? Just. So. Confusing.
If any of you bloggers out there have insight into this, I am open and ready to hear your comments and be educated on the sleeveless turtleneck. Cause really, I just don't get it.
And even more ridiculous? Seeing this item this morning at the gym. Total and complete confusion.


Aimee said...

maybe it is for people with cold neck and sweaty pits?

Great mystery...I have no idea!

andrea said...

I feel the same way about the puffy vests - your arms are warm, but your torso is cold? I dont get it either!