Thursday, May 27, 2010
june 04 Monsters V. Aliens Canyon Rim Park
june 11 Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs Eastwood Elementary
june 18 Star Trek Evergreen Jr. High
june 19 Venture outdoors Festival Canyon Rim Park
june 25 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Big Cottonwood Park
july 02 Sherlock Holmes Canyon Rim Park
july 09 The Blindside Eastwood Elementary
july 16 The Never Ending Story Evergreen Jr. High
july 30 Where The Red Fern Grows Big Cottonwood Park
Aug 06 The tree Amigos Canyon Rim Park
Aug 13 How to Train Your Dragon Evergreen Jr. High
Aug 20 Seven Brides For Seven Brothers Big Cottonwood Park
Aug 27 The Incredibles Canyon Rim Park
*movies start at dusk
june 04 Princess Bride Liberty Park
june 11 Star Trek Lindsey Gardens
june 18 Transformers Jordan Park
june 25 Three Amigos Reservoir Park
july 02 Field of Dreams Constitution Park
july 09 The Blindside Fairmont Park
july 16 Napoleon Dynamite Wasatch Hollow
*Movies start around 9 and there will be free popcorn while it lasts!
*all free, held at Pioneer Park
july 08 Modest Mouse w/Avi Buffalo
july 15 Girl Talk w/Memory Tapes
july 22 Beirut w/Twin Sister
july 29 The New Pornographers w/the Dodos
Aug 05 Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings w/Jamie Lidell
Aug 12 Matisyahu
Aug 19 Big Boi w/ Chromeo
Aug 26 She and Him w/Dum Dum Girls!
And there you have it! Free stuff this summer! Enjoy!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
I tried to embed it but it's not working. Go here for some LOST laughs.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Lost Series Finale. Here's the thing. The episode started. I was into it. It keeps going. I was still into it. It keeps on going. Still enjoying myself. Then the last fifteen minutes came, and I was like what in the what? It was like I was given this big bowl of vanilla ice cream. And I really like vanilla ice cream, in fact, I've been eating vanilla ice cream for almost six years every Tuesday. And then right before I'm finished with my last bowl of vanilla ice cream I will ever have, maybe like the last 3 satisfying bites. I'm really looking forward to devouring with an almost sort of a type of reverence because you see, I know I'm NEVER again going to be able to have a new bowl of vanilla ice cream. Just the memories. And then bam, the last three bites turn into sauerkraut. Out of no where. Just bam. Replaced. And you see some people really like sauerkraut. There is a time and a place for sauerkraut. But not now. Not at the end of my perfectly delicious, perfectly sweet bowl of vanilla ice cream.
So yeah, I pretty much wanted to yell at the screen, who took my vanilla and left me here with this sauerkraut?
That's how I felt about last night's episode. I liked most of it, hated the ending. And I wasn't sure about using that word hate, but I just decided that yeah, it sucked. I almost sorta feel like in the words of Sawyer, "It was all a long con." In that I feel like the ending was a cop out. A way to not really have to answer all the questions. A way in which to keep people still interested. Still talking. An ending that will have them all go out and buy the previous seasons on DVD to watch again to see where they might have missed the long con. But I don't think the answers are there. I think the writers said, "Ooops, well. We've got one season left. We better wrap this up quick." So they did. And in an almost, "WE TOLD YOU THE ISLAND WASN'T PURGATORY" nah, nah, na, nah nah way, they make the flash sideways purgatory. A place where the characters could work out their issues, meet up at a church, and cross over to the other side as one big dysfunctional family. What a friggin' cop out. You mean to tell me this whole time, this is how it was supposed to end? That the plane really did crash, and that the purpose was so that they could all meet, and be a part of people's lives, then all cross over together? Uh, no.
That being said, I have to say I have loved watching each and every episode of this series. Even the ones that weren't my favorites kept me mostly entertained. And I guess that's what a TV show is supposed to do right? Entertain. And that it did. And I enjoyed every bit of it. Just not those last fifteen minutes. And here's why.
My main problem with the ending was that clearly this whole series was about the characters. Who are they? Where have they been? Where are they going? Where would they have gone had the plane not crashed? How will they act off the island? How do they interact with the other characters? Pretty much the whole show is all about the characters, some would argue, Jack being the main one. But this is where I differ. In my mind the creators and writers have done a fabulous job of developing the characters, and for the most part they did an okay job of wrapping up the main ones. But they forgot to wrap up, or answer questions, about the most important character of all. The island. We know all the back stories of all the people, but somewhere along the way the island, it's mystery and it's power, took on the leading role in the show. Bigger than any person in fact. It played such a major part in the series, so to not have any background, and information, any closure on where the island came from, and how it came to be was the most frustrating part about the finale for me.
Some people are frustrated about not knowing the little things, like about Aaron, or Walt, or what the heck the temple crap was all about. Not me. I don't really care about all that. I just care about the island. Where did it come from? Who created it? Why did it have special powers? And rules? Who made the rules? How did the first people get there? How did this cave with the light get there? How did smokey get made? How come the island can be moved. All that. That's the stuff I wanted answers to. Not necessarily all the B.S. Christian Shepherd handed us. And yes, I feel had i got the answers to my questions about the island, I could have finished my last three delicious, satisfying bites of vanilla ice cream. Instead, I'm afraid I'm going to be craving vanilla ice cream for the rest of my life, and having a really bad sauerkraut aftertaste left lingering.
So yeah, those are my thoughts. I'd love to hear yours.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
So, I have to be honest and say that I came into Tuesday night's episode with a bit of a chip, okay maybe a very large chip, on my shoulder due to last weeks ridiculous episode. The more I thought about last weeks episode the angrier I seemed to get about it. And really, I didn't want to feel foolish for sacrificing so much time over the last six years devoted to a show that was in the end just a bunch of crap. So, you can understand my relief when I discovered that this weeks episode would mean getting back to out lovely losties. So, without further ado, here are my thoughts on the episode:
- Okay lets start off with Jack and the flash sideways. He's got this thing on his neck. And he's having breakfast with his son who reminds him of his concert. Now this concert I am guessing is where almost all of the losties will reconvene for one serious lostie sideways reunion. I think this is the same concert that Faraday will be playing at. So that will make Widmore and Eloise there. Jack will probably bring Claire. Jack's son's mom will be there (who I am guessing is Juliet), Desmond is bringing Kate, Hurley is bringing Sayid, Charlotte will be there, and I'm sure Miles will somehow get Sawyer to come along as well. Not sure what this all means, but I'm sure Desmond will get them all to realize somehow that they are connected, and then the realization will occur. I'm not sure what this will all mean in relation to island life, but I'm sure it will be the reunion of all television reunions and I can't wait!
- So then we see Jack stitching up Kate --how very full circle of them. Reminds me of when he stitched her up (or was it her that stiched him?) after they first crashed. Don't hate me for sort of wishing that she had died. She is for sure one character that I will not miss once this whole shebang is over.
- What a night for Ben! Finally we get back to Ben, Richard and Miles. We find out that Ben's got lots of rage still left over from Alex's death with ultimately results in him promising to do all of Flocke's dirty work in killing the candidates as well as offing Widmore. In a way it was sorta nice to see him get back to the evil Ben we all know and love, cause I was really starting to hate the wussy Ben we were getting episode after episode. I am also sorta hoping he is long-coning Smokey and in the end will kill him or something. Redemption would be nice.
- But before Widmore is killed we find out the reason for Desmond. He is the failsafe. Should be interesting to see how this all works out. I'm thinking maybe he is the only one who can go into the light and survive? Oh, and what about Richard? I thought he couldn't die--i.e. was immortal? Or was I mistaken about that? And if he is dead, I'm kinda pissed cause I really enjoyed him and his eye-liner. So yeah, I'm really hoping smokey just threw him up in a tree somewhere and he's waiting to be rescued.
- The flash sideways where Desmond beats the crap out of Ben was wierd, and I didn't enjoy the dinner with Alex whatsoever, except it was nice to see Roussou normal. The relationship Alex and Ben have in the sideways world sorta creeps me out a little bit. Am I the only one who thinks that?
- Moving right along to the most important part of the night. Hurley sees young Jacob. Is this cause he had his ashes? Wierd. Then he runs after him, and suddenly he's adult Jacob? Even wierder. And he sits the Losties down and tells them why he brought them all to the island and chose them as his possible replacements (basically their lives sucked), offers them all the choice in the job opening, and as we've been predicting all season, Jack takes the bait, or rather the cup. Even though I knew Jack would do it, I was really hoping Hurley would. I just still love Hurley's character so much. I also found it interesting that Kate was also a candidate. And how funny was it that Jack had a cup in his backpack? Classic. So, Jack is now the replacement--and like Jacob. And it never fails to surprise me that Jack takes the job without making Jacob even answer a few questions. What is it with these people and not asking questions!!! Jack is now guardian of the mysterious, mythical, and slightly hokey light.
- So now the question is: Will Jack succeed?
- And remember at the beginning of this season when we saw the island under water? I am sure somehow this will come into play on Sunday I'm just not sure how. Is this how it all will end? Meaning that since the island is underwater, someone kills smokey, and Jack sacrifices himself on the island and drowns, so no one can live there and they all end up living in the sideways reality?
- One thing is for sure, I am really looking forward to how Desmond is pulling all the Losties together in the sidways timeline. And I'm excited to see how he's gonna pull this "connection" to the island off. And how is Jack going to save the island? Perhaps in some weird way he will 'fix' Locke on the operating table? Who knows.
- Best line of the night was for sure when Miles says to Ben: "I lived in those houses thirty years before you did, otherwise known as last week."
Anyhoo, I can't believe I there is only one episode left! It's a good thing I'm so excited, or else I'd be completely sad. Which I probably shouldn't admit, but I have really enjoyed this whole entire series so much. I am also getting excited for the accompanying shindig! I hope you all can make it! And if you didn't get an invite, and would like to come, it's probably cause I don't have your e-mail. Send me an e-mail to my naptime email and I will send you over an invite. Thanks so much to everyone who has participated in my lost "discussions" either on this blog or in real life. It's been a fun ride! Here's to Sunday!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
- Okay, so the first thing I was bugged about is the fact that with only 3! episodes left here we are introducing more new characters. Uggg. Is anyone else sick of this? Just close it up already. I mean, I don't even really have closure with the characters that we've spent 5 years investing in already. Richard, Miles, Lapidus, Mr. Ecko. etc. We don't need any newbies at this point.
- Then, first they are speaking some weird language with subtitles and then bam, English. This was just weird. Is this some weird thing that the writers didn't want to make the actors speak weird for a whole episode with subtitles, or what? Just made no sense. So, yeah, we're not off to a great start here people. Two things I hate.
- The next thing we must discuss is the fact that Jacob & no-name (but I'd like to call him Esau. again, how lame is it that the writers still can not come up with a name for this MIB, smokey guy? I mean really. Brother is all we get?) are twin brothers. I feel like this answered a question, but really wasn't any surprise. Their mother comes to the island via a crashed ship, and shortly thereafter delivers the twins and then is brutally murdered by the crazy lady. Now here comes the third thing I hate. Could there perhaps been a more humane manner in which to kill Jacob & Esau's mother? I mean it was terribly violent and a little brutal -- Even for Lost.
- So there we are. Crazy lady --who again has no name --just mother.(This so bugs me because in order to engage or relate with a character I really feel like they need a name.) So, she raises the boys as if they were her own. Not sure if she is good or evil. Again with this whole theme. I mean she did murder someone for hecks sake, but apparently she is the guardian of this light--which is the light inside all of us -- or some mumbo jumbo. She also knows a lot about the rules. She somehow made it so the boys can't kill each other. But how? Who gave her the power?
- One thing that I thought was fabulous was the casting of the young boys in this episode. I think they did a great job of portraying the older Jacob and MIB.
- Moving back to things I hate, did anyone else just hate Jacob and his whole personality? NOt only as a child, but also as an adult? Just made his character weak. And I feel like with how strong of a character he has been throughout the seasons -- powerful and everything I really needed him to come off stronger than he did. And more likeable. I wanted to come out of this episode team Jacob, but I'm afraid that just didn't happen for me. I feel like he was bullied into his position of keeper of the light, and that he didn't really even stand up to anything. So frustrating.
- So really quick. This game that pre-smokey finds. Do you really think his 'mother' made it for him? I found it interesting that Esau can lie to her, but Jacob can not. Is this supposed to be some sort of metaphor for good and evil?
- Then one day Esau sees his real mother ala Hurley. Esau is the only one who can see her since she is dead. What does this mean? Another metaphor for good and evil? Esau's mother tells him what really happened to her, and shows him the other, other others. Sheesh. Are you still with me? I found it interesting that when Esau tells Jacob this, Jacob still wants to live with his fake mother the killer, rather than go with his twin --his actual flesh and blood. Again, terrible character flaw Jacob. Fake mother takes them both to the light where she really crapily explains to them and us what it is, and what it means. It's in all of us, if it gets out we're all doomed etc. She also tells them not to go into it. Apparently if ya do it's worse than death. I'm not at all satisfied with this. In fact it really bugged me. Again with the introducing a new thing with only three episodes to go. And apparently a pretty important thing. The very thing that's the whole reason for the island, and therefore the show. Not sure if this is a copout on the producers part or what. And how does this light correlate to the temple with that crazy water etc. Is the temple on top of the light source maybe?
- I thought it was interesting that fake mother tells Esau & Jacob that they can never leave the island. (Except we know that Jacob has -- to recruit the Losties) Esau spends years finding a way off. Eventually does with the donkey wheel-- that in past seasons has moved the island. I have to say that I for sure in this episode gained lots of respect for Esau/MIB. He was the thinker. The one who questioned authority. The one who ultimately followed his own conscience.
- So, fake mother talks or rather pushes Jacob into becoming the keeper of the light via a glass of wine. What does this mean? I thought it was weird and out of place and I didn't like Jacob one bit in this scene. Now Jacob and "mother" are the same? What does this mean?
- Crazy lady aka fake mother then goes wackadoodle and kills all the other other others. (Remember when smokey tells kate he once had a mother and she was crazy? He wasn't kidding!) Esau gets pissed and kills her. She thanks him--why? Jacob then gets upset and takes Esau to the light tunnel and throws him in --which is ultimately worse than death. So Jacob is now worse than a killer? Which by the way I thought fake mommy told them they couldn't hurt each other? Does throwing each other down the worse-than-death-light-tunnel not count? In which Esau then comes screaming out as Smokey.
- Then we find out that Adam & Eve are fake crazy momma and Esau. Except Smokey still lives, inhabiting his own and other's bodies I guess. The flashback to season 1 was stupid. How dumb do the producers think we are? Give us die hards a break. I sorta feel like they threw that scene in there to prove some point to us -- that they actually knew where this whole shenanigan of a series was going--even in the beginning. Which I don't completely believe.
I guess all in all, I am sorta pissed that in order to close up the whole series we have to be making things, characters and situations up at this point. And really huge, and important things. As much as I've loved this whole series, I think this whole light tunnel crap is sorta a cop out. A quick answer. I really missed all the Lostie characters we've grown to love. And I hope we can get back to them in the next two episodes.
I do have to say though, something I'm realizing now is that this whole show-- the whole premise for the show anyway is one of myth, legend, and fairytale. This sorta bums me out. I mean, I really thought that I was invested in real people, who survived a real (albeit fictional) plane crash and their stories. Seems however this is not the case.
And after reading this whole post again, I guess I can safely say that I wasn't such a fan of this episode. Too little too late Lost producers. And even though this wasn't my favorite episode -- I'm still enjoying it. Still looking forward to the last few episodes.
Now, I must know --what were your thoughts on this episode? Love it? Hate it? Thoughts?
Saturday, May 8, 2010
- First off, lets talk flash sideways. Is anyone else confused by this nonsense? Jack seems to be getting closer to figuring out how they all fit together with flight 815, but Locke? His whole attitude was just weird. Makes me wonder if in some weird twist it's actually smokey in there not wanting to have Jack "fix" him. And really quick we must discuss the box Claire & Jack's dad gave Claire. I feel like I should know what this means, but clearly I'm missing something. The only connection I can make is that it's playing the song we've heard Claire sing to Aaron before. The "catch a falling star, put it in your pocket. . ." Anyone have any better insight into this? I feel like it must mean something since they put it in the episode when they have just precious few minutes left of the season, but maybe it was just to get Claire and Jack together again. Also in a weird sick way, I was sort of happy to see Locke's dad in a wheelchair. I know I am mean and terrible, but so was he. And lastly, nice to see Bernard again. Seems like he genuinely knows about the island life. HMMMMM.
- Let's talk Jack for a moment. What a crazy turnaround his character has had through out the series. He reluctantly takes the leader roll, then, we see him in the flash backs and forward being a drunk and addict, then we see him in the flash sideways as a dad, and now we see him as a serious candidate and committed to the island. It's certainly strange to see one character take on so many different rolls, but I do have to say Matthew Fox is doing a wonderful job making each character believable and making his personality so multi-dimensional. We definitely learned more about the "rules" of the island. Meaning smokey can't kill the candidates, but can kill other people on the island, but the Losties can kill each other. Interesting.
- So Fake Locke/Smokey decides to off as many candidates as possible. He can't kill them himself, so he must get them to kill each other. By taking an easily planted and very obvious bomb off the plane. How convenient. The most notable were Sun & Jin. I mean how sad was that? Even though I have invested so much time and energy into their relationship I still wanted Jin to swim away for his daughter. *Side note to Hubs. If we are ever in a sinking submarine, and I am stuck, and clearly going to die. Please swim away. Please. For our crazy kids. the end.* And even if you hadn't invested five years of your life into the relationship between Sun and Jin, it would have still made you just a little bit teary to see those hands floating away from each other in the water with the classic LOST music playing in the back ground. Sob. And I guess in a way we found out that Sun was the "candidate" of the two Kwans, cause Jin just basically kills himself, and I thought that was against the rules (remember jack in the black rock with richard?). Although I could be mistaken.
- Sayid finally decides to wake up in this episode. Finally, finally, finally, only then to sacrifice himself, and die. So sad. I'm wondering what was the key to waking him up? Was it something Desmond did or said to him? And yay, we know that Desmond is still alive. I'm thinking it will be fun to find out how he fits into the whole scheme. Also, did you catch when Sayid says to Jack "It's going to be you, jack." Hmmm. Does this mean Jack is the ultimate "candidate?" And how would he know? Something again, perhaps Desmond said to him?
- So, we know of the "candidates" left there is Jack, Sawyer (albeit unconscious), and Hurley. Kate of course is wounded but alive, but I'm thinking her time is coming as well. Especially cause she isn't a candidate and so neither Smokey nor Widmore see the point in keeping her around. Finally someone that agrees with me that Kate sucks! But an even bigger question I've got is what happened to Lapidis? Did he die, survive? I realize he's not a "candidate", but still. It'd be nice to know. And while we are on the subject, what about Miles, Richard and Ben?
- One thing I just thought at the end of the episod was if Smokey knew who was dead and who was alive, meaning he knew Sun, Jin and Sayid were dead, doesn't he probably know about Desmond not being dead?
- I am excited to see what role Widmore plays in this whole big mess. Whose side is he really on? And I am glad to see a return to Jacob and MIB next week.
- And finally what is the significance with all the Losties getting together at the hospital? What does this all mean? I seriously have no idea, but I can't wait to find out!!!
So, the big Finale event is going down on May 23rd. That's a Sunday night -- not a Tuesday. ABC always does this for some reason. Moves their big finales to Sunday. Must be a bigger TV night for people or something. But ANYHOO, I want you all to know that I will most definitely be having a LOST finale party at my place for sure!!!! And if you comment on my Lost posts you are most definitely invited!!!! I shall be sending out e-vites for all quite shortly, but in the mean time, be sure to keep that night Sunday May 23rd open!!!! CAN'T WAIT TO WATCH IT!
Friday, May 7, 2010
- Thing 1's Mothers day program at school yesterday. For his talent time, he read a poem, and unbeknownst to me decided to do an impromptu drawing right on the spot in front of everyone as his talent. I had no idea this was going to happen. I thought reading the poem we wrote together would be the talent. But no. I was dying. It was hilarious. Just like an episode of Win Loose or Draw. We were all waiting in anticipation of what his drawing was going to be. In the end it ended up being a fabulous portrait of his grandma. Love that darn kid.
- Speaking of Thing 1, did I tell you he finally learned how to tie? Yep, a few Sundays ago he decided to get serious about it, and so we sat down and within a half hour he had it mastered. He now has his very own pair of Chucks that are grey with skulls on them. And every time it rains he tells me how great it is that he has these Chucks to keep his ankles dry. Pure awesomeness.
- Back to the Mother's Day program -- loved the kid who for his talent sang Bob Marley's Buffalo Soldier. And the girl who tap danced on the carpet . And the boy who did ten cartwheels in a row. And the boy who told the vampire who was "here to vash your vindows" joke which took a really long time, and in which I'm convinced made it funnier than any other time I've heard it told. But my favorite was still Thing 1's drawing on demand. Classic. Kindergartners are awesome.
- One more thing about Thing 1, after some major luck we were able to get him into the dual immersion Spanish program next year (instead of the french program) which I'm thrilled about. Having him know another language will be awesome, but knowing Spanish will be fantastic. We had a huge cinco de mayo party to celebrate in which we ate nachos, and tacos and I made the most spectacular homemade salsa recipe which can be found here.
- Finally decided on a car seat for the babe. After 2 previous purchases & returns I think this will be the one. And most importantly it carries babies up to 32 inches. Which is always a fantastic thing when your babies come out the size of a small pony.
- I have good reason to believe that the nursery has a very good chance of getting painted today. I mean, I'm not holding my breath or anything, but I'm fairly certain come Sunday it will be done. This is the color I chose. A nice little warm gray. This is definitely awesome.
- Thank you to all of you for taking the time to comment on my nesting post. I love all the good ideas and product recommendations.
- It's Friday!!!
- The kids have a primary party today. Which means mom gets a little alone time. Hip, hip, hooray!
- Thing 2 has her dance recital tomorrow. This should also be awesome.
- So many things to be thankful for. Have no idea why I'm in such a positive mood. Must be the fabulous mothers day weekend we've got right around the corner, and the fact that even though it's not super hot, it is most definitely the Spring, and therefore no longer Winter, and therefore no longer sucky.
- My cup of vanilla Chi tea (herbal decaf of course) with a shot of skim and truvia that I whipped up myself and enjoyed last night. Heavenly. Only I'm not sure if they will have tea in heaven. But if they do, that's what I'm going to drink.
- The new mid-day Real game time for tomorrow. We're taking the kids. Not sure if this is awesome or not. I'll let you know later.
- This strange and unexpected, and totally out of the normal splash of optimism I'm having this morning.
- This commercial. Thanks for the link hoddogs.
- And this one. kinda enjoying the white haired lady. Makes me want to throw a shrimp on the barbie.
Hope you all have a fabulous Friday. I've got nothing but love for ya!
Oh, and for those of you waiting for a LOST post, it's coming. Sorry.
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

So, here I am with just about 7 weeks to go, and I am absolutely in my nesting phase. Have been for a few weeks, but it's especially kicking in now. I'm feeling a big push to get the nursery done --just bought the paint yesterday--a nice warm grey, purchase any necessary baby gear, and be organized and ready for Thing 3 to make his arrival in June.
So, I was inspired by Design Mom's five posts about preparing for baby's arrival, and thought I would go ahead and do my own little version here right on Naptime. She divided hers into five different parts. Layette (things you'd need for clothing wise for baby), sleeping (cribs, swaddlers, etc.), bathing/diapering (cloth or otherwise), feeding (bottles, boppies etc.) and mom's needs (nursing, packing for the hospital etc.) I thought I'd just go ahead and lump mine into one post since I know there aren't zillions of you readers out there. Since it's been so long since I had a baby around - and we basically gave away ALL our baby gear, and I know a few of you that have just had babies, or are already seasoned moms, or frankly are just smarter than I am, so therefore, I would LOVE your input. So the question is:
In other words, what are the products that you reach for. For example for me, I hated the boppy, and just made sure I had a good pillow or two under my arms for nursing. I've heard Aiden & Anais swaddling blankets are great. And I'm looking into the Puj bathtub. I also loved with my first two those little onesies with the fold-over hands so the little babes don't scratch up their faces with those new nails. Or, do you have a carseat you LOVE? or maybe a sling or carrier you just think is peachy? Yep, it can be anything and everything. Bottles, diapers, wipes, etc. Anything you might have an opinion on baby-wise, I WANT IT! Even if it is advice. I'll take it! Anyone tried those wipes warmers? Are they worth the money, or just a waste? See, I've got all these questions and need your help.
So, take a minute, leave a comment, and help a sister out. Thanks!!!
Oh, and for you mamas with multiples or any sort of medical background-- I've got a question for you. I swear I feel like this baby is right down in my pelvis. With the first two I felt like they were right in my ribs, but with this one that just isn't the case. I'm not sure if he's dropped early, or if I just have crappy stomach muscles now after three kids, but something is wrong. Here is the deal. This is going to sound weird probably, but it honestly feels like maybe from all the weight of the baby that I might have broken my pelvis. The under, or backside of my pubic bone/pelvis feels like it might have like a hairline fracture or something. Every time I stand up it is just really painful in my pelvis. And tender, and feels like it honestly might be broken or bruised or sprained or something. And if I stand on one leg --like to get my pants on -- it's terrible. Almost unbearable. So, I guess my question is -- is this even possible? Can you fracture your pelvis? I realize obviously they cant do an x-ray, so how would I find out for sure, and if it is, then is there even anything you can do? I mean, I guess you can't get a cast or anything. So yeah, if anyone has any thoughts on the subject that would be awesome. Thanks.