Sunday, May 17, 2009


  • Okay, first off. There are no pictures to go with this post. I understand if you want to immediately go and hit next blog. I get it. They will probably have pics. I will not. If you decide to stay, don't comment about me not having pics. Just accept it.

  • Where was I? Oh yes, My so-called life. Remember that TV show back in the nineties? I loved it. It was only on the air for maybe like half a season, but what a season it was. Actually, to be honest, I don't remember a lot of it. Mostly just coveting Claire Dane's hair and Jared Leto. Not necessarily in that order. But really it was hard not to love Claire's teen angst when I was currently experiencing my own teen angst. I believe I was a sophomore. The only reason I remember this is that there was this girl in my class who loved the show so much that when she heard it was being cancelled she made up a petition to have people sign to save the show. At the time I didn't sign it, cause well, frankly I was a teenager and cared to much about what people thought of me. But I can also remember feeling a kinship with this girl. Someone else who loves the drama of television as much as me. I always have. And ever since reality tv and Tivo, honestly, it's gotten much worse. But this time of the year? The end of season finale time? My love for TV goes to a whole new level. Am I proud of this? No. It just is. Believe me, I've tried to go without TV. But I just can't. So sue me. I figure since I don't watch "live" tv anymore, I'm saving tons of time and since I only watch until after the kids are in bed, that it is sorta somehow justified. The only show I can watch live anymore is The Food Network. More specifically Paula Deen's Home Cooking. Just something about her southern drawl and massive use of heavy cream and butter that just soothes my soul. But alas, I digress. Let's get on to the goods.

  • Okey, dokey. Before I begin, I probably should warn you that I'm feeling a bit strange at the moment. Not sure if it's the fever I'm rockin' or the heavy cold meds, but yes, this post will be odd. Just go with it. Let's start with the Biggest Loser. Oh man what a show. I just love it. However I also love to watch it while eating sugary sweet tangy taffy. I just think the taffy makes the show better. I know it's wrong, and I kinda feel guilty when Bob comes on with his little tips about healthy eating. But that is what Tivo is for, right? So, it's no secret that I wanted TARA to win. Really bad. I even wore a "GO TARA" shirt the night of the finale (see I told you I was crazy). But my shirt magic didn't help. That whiny little butt face Helen had to win. Eww. Just saying her name makes me want to vomit. Who sends their fat kid home, so they can stay and get skinny. Boo to you Helen. Boo. Okay, moving along. How fantastic did Mike look? I know I've said before that he doesn't deserve to win, simply cause he kept saying he was going to, but I would like to now retract that statement. Ever since Kris opened my eyes to the fact that heck, this is the first time he's ever been skinny in his whole life and he deserves to be a little cocky, I've agreed. Great job Mike. But the shocker of the finale was definitely Jerry. Who is this guy? Comes to the ranch for one week, faints, goes home and looses like 147 pounds!!! That is insane. I thought it was funny how he kept pumping his fist in the air. And it looked like his dentures were going to fall out at any moment. Congrats Jerry.

  • Moving right along. . . LOST. Holy guacamole. My head is still spinning. Let's just take it from the top. Okay so the thing that eerks me the most is we've been hearing about this bloody Jacob for 4 seasons now. And he finally makes an entrance. And a very odd, verry creepy entrance at that. But don't get too attached friends, cause by the end, he is toast. Burnt toast. I did get the feeling though each time he visited one of our beloved losties he almost ushered them to the island. As if it was their destiny. Did you notice that he also touched or passed them each an item? Creepy! Glad to know that Hurley isn't crazy. He is still my fav. Kinda want to read O'Conner's book Everything That Rises Must Converge that Jacob was reading in the ep now. But wait on hold a minute, only the best thing ever also happened in the ep, Rose and Bernard are back!!! Yippy skippy! I'm so glad they are not lost. Just enjoying their little bungalow by the beach. Love how they said, that most people work all their lives for a little shack by the beach. And they have it. Very appropos Rose. Okay who was that guy in the beginning? Wearing all dark? While Jacob was wearing all white. This ep seemed a little "Narnia" influenced if you will.
    Alot of religious mumbo-jumbo underlying this show. And just who in the sam-heck is inside of Locke? Smoke Monster? Ahhh, I must now go and take an advil. My head hurts.

  • Next Up? Greys Anatomy. can't say I really love this show. it's just eh for me. But I was kinda sad to see Isobel and George die, although I kinda saw it coming since I heard that they were both being let out of their contracts. This is all I have.

  • Just can't wait for the Survivor season finale tonight. I really hope JT wins. They were silly to vote off coach. He was the perfect person to take to the end. On a side note here. I really wish Hubs would try out for Survivor. He would totally win. He is wicked smart, seen every episode of Man Vs. Wild, and ain't too bad on the eyes. ;) His only problem I can foresee is the fact that he doesn't do well without food. Kinda turns into a grump. But then again, who doesn't? Next time you see Hubs, please encourage this. I think it would be fantastic to have him win a million dollars.

  • Okay, well I think that is about it for this novel tonight. I am sure there are other shows to blog about, but since I feel like I got run over by a truck I think I will go relax. Oh, and p.s. who gets two flat tires in one day? I did break a mirror last week, and I'm starting to worry that my seven years has decided to start today. I hope to high heaven that your Sabbath is going better than mine. Cheers!


Jo said...

I have had two flat tires in one day, but mine were slashed by a student so I guess I can't relate ;) And I loved the show as well; actually Netflixed it over Christmas time so I could endulge inbetween semesters.

The Gearheads said...

My wife keeps saying I would be good on that show too. But I would have the same problem as your hubs, I do NOT do well without food. I may end up going Geraldo on someone and throwing a chair we made.
Maybe if the have a nephew uncle show.....

Aimee said...

Dude, Amy, the guy in John Locke's body WAS the guy in black from the beginning with Jacob. It will make sense when you think back to the ep. He somehow has morphed into John Locke. Creepy!

It was a good finale though. Do you want them to just be back in LA when all is said and done? I would love to hear your predictions someday down the road.