Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Yesterday marked a HUGE MILESTONE here at our house. And yes, I realize this is a silly thing to blog about, but I wanted it recorded for him. So he could know the day, and read about it, and know just exactly how I felt.
Yesterday started off like any other. Got up, got the kids breakfast, asked them to get dressed, did Thing 2's hair, and asked Thing 1 to go and get his hearing aids so I could put them in.
Only. . . he came out with them and said, "I want to put them in." "Sure." I said, thinking he wouldn't be able to, cause they are super teeny and well, it's hard even for me to get them in, and I can see what I'm doing. But well, he insisted. So, I told him to give it a try. And for the first time EVER. . .
drumroll . . .
I can not even express to you the complete awesomeness of this. You really have no idea. This is such a huge thing. Either I or Hubs have been putting his hearing aids on for his entire life. Every morning. And when he was napping, again, after he woke up. That equals somewhere right around 2,500 times I've put those darn things in! Not to mention the first 2 weeks he had them, and I wanted to cry every minute cause he wouldn't keep them in. I was literally putting them in every 5 minutes. I remember the audiologist telling me. Five minutes. Shoot for five minutes. Now, he leaves them in all day, and even asks for them if we forget. But putting them in all by himself? I really often wondered if and when this day would ever come. And it has. And it makes me kind of teary. I mean, it's been the thing I do each morning. Clean em, check em, put em on. My little bonding time with Thing 1. We usually never talk about hearing aids, but well, he sits completely still for maybe 2 minutes while I do my thing. And he talks. About all sorts of things. Usually super-hero related, but the thing is he sits. Still. And just talks. But this morning? He came out with them on! And you shoulda seen his face! He was so proud of himself. Such a big guy now. Unbelievable. My little guy is growing up. And as absolutely fantastic as this is, I kinda want to cry a little. Never again will he ask me to put his hearing aids in.
But in life, like any other milestone, it's a good thing. I'm really, really, happy for him. Even if I do feel like crying. Well done Thing 1! Well Done!


Stacie said...

That is so great. What a huge accomplishment. I love it that it makes you so happy too. Your a great mom!

Aimee said...

milestones need to be ritualized.

that was a big milestone for thing 1. I am happy and sad for all of you.

Scott@VoteOrDieBlog said...

That is awesome. Does he really have ones with soccer balls on them. I like them.