Monday, April 6, 2009


So, I'm not sure if it's because it's Spring Break and I'm getting a little taste of what this summer is going to be like without preschool, or because Summer is finally within earshot, but I'm gearing up for things to keep the kids busy. At the very end of summer last year I met a friend up at Red Butte Garden for a nice afternoon lunch picnic and let the kids run around. And ya know what? It was an absolute blast! My kids enjoyed it so much. The mazes, ponds, water features, huge sandbox, and ride-able lizards were all a hit. Not to mention all the lush gardens and flowers.
So, I decided to splurge and get the circle of friends membership for the year for $55. It gets me in and 3 of my buddies. That means I can take hubby and the two rascals, or me, my two kids and YOU! That's right. For the whole year I can get out of the house and let the kids run wild somewhere else. Right now they are having their spring bulb festival, so I think I'm going to head up there one day this week and enjoy all the wonderful bulbs. I can't wait!
I'm really looking forward to having another place to take the kids besides the pool, park and the zoo this summer. So, if anyone is interested in picking a family pass up for themselves too, I wouldn't pass up the company! Or, if it's just you and your kids come along and enjoy a little free outing (at least for one of you) on me. You can look into more info here.


Max Sartin said...

Or we could pack you, me, the hubby and the kids into the convertible and make a day of it....

Kristin said...

What a great idea!! I had no idea how affordable that was. I'd love to join you guys.

Unknown said...

i only have a week more here in the state...lets GO!!