Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Okey dokey folks. Hold on to your hats. This is your spoiler alert. If you haven't watched last weeks episode then frankly, I feel sorry for you, but you also better stop reading any further, cause I am about to get Lost Crazy on ya.

Okay, this episode needs a snazzy name, like um, how about. . . SMOKE MONSTER. dun, dun, dun.

No, really though. Isn't Lost just completely whacked. I thought this episode was gonna be one of those episodes where they answer a bunch of questions that we've had for 4 seasons now when they answered one in the first five minutes. You know the question. How in the Sam heck did Alex come to be with Ben? Did Russo and Ben you know, do it? Or did she loose her when she went crazy? Or did he steal it? Bingo! Bad boy Ben just up and stole that baby, and brought Ethan with him. Insane!

And well, that was about the only thing they cleared up the whole episode.


So, did anyone else think it was hilarious that this "smoke monster" that was so important enough that it could judge Ben pretty much was summoned by flushing the toilet? Really now. Drain a stanky old water hole and up comes the holy, revered, all-knowing smoke monster? Please. And all I could think was, "What, no smoke monster flash back?" or even a flash-forward? Slackers.

Okay here are a few points I would like to discuss or rather would like the writers to work on answering for me in the next few episodes (yeah right).
  • Does Richard Alperts eyeliner have any connection to all of the Egyptian crap on the show?
  • Ilana. Who does this chick think she is? Asking questions about "Who lies in the shadow of the statue?" Is this supposed to be some kind of code question? Does she work for Widmore? And if this is the statue she is referring to:

I'd say the answer should be: toejam.
  • Is anyone else enjoying the new Locke and his one-liners? I am enjoying how his calmn-ess and confidence is bugging Ben. Really, I enjoy anyone who can annoy that man. Go Desmond for punching him in the face. Brilliance.
  • I still want a Richard Alpert episode.
  • Where exactly are Rose & Bernard?

Okay, that's about all I've got for last weeks episode. Even though this show is completely kooksville I love it.


Aimee said...

Honestly, I was disappointed in the last 10 minutes. I get what they were trying to do but it was a little too much for me. Too much drama, I guess.

I want a Richard ep too. He claims there is no eyeliner. I just don't believe it.

So this is the second to last season. I am really, really hoping they don't ruin it and stay true to the good storyline and writing they have had the last 5 season. I so do not want them to ruin it. Please, please, please! Please end well, Lost!


Scott@VoteOrDieBlog said...

Sometimes I wish I wouldn't have watched Lost until the series was over. I liked it a lot more when I could watch 4 episodes at a time. I think my expectations get too high over the course of a week and then I am inevitably let down. It's hard to get too absorbed into the story in just one short hour and then everything just seems ridiculous.