Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Okay, now I realize everyone and their dog is blogging about this today, even those that normally don't, but I thought I'd go ahead and throw out my two cents anyhoo.

Okay, well, my first thought, honestly was, What a douchbag. I realize that's not a pretty word, but really, it is exactly what I was yelling at the tv.

I just don't get it. I mean, I get that you can really like two people at once, even date two people at once, but love? Now that's a strong word. And love enough that you want to propose to them? Uh, no. I mean, I realize the guy was confused, but I had to scream when he said he didn't know what he was going to do the day of the proposal. Gag me with a spoon Jason. Uggg.

So then, he picks Melissa and they all jump into the pool. Barf.

And then? Decides in six week,( SIX WEEKS people! ) of dating that he just isn't that into her. Oh, give me a break. They were never "in love". And everyone knows it. I wish they could just stop saying that already. They really really like each other. But love? Come. On.

Now, I can't decide if this is a production-pulled stunt or what. Cause I will be the first to admit that it made for fantastic TV. Just ask Hubs. I was laughing and yelling and booing. Crazy. I'm just glad I got to watch it after I got home from yoga. No commercials is the only way to watch the Bachelor. 3hours? Puh-leeze. Who has that type of time?

Okay, so I guess I just think Jason needs to be by himself for a while. Obviously he is very confused. I mean he went from being married, to on the bachelor, to proposing to DeAnna, to proposing to Melissa to dumping Melissa to wanting to be with Molly. Sheesh. I need a road map. And thinking back I think we have ONE person to blame in all this.

DE freaking Anna. If Jason had followed his gut and went with the "wild card" Molly like Deanna told him not to, he wouldn't even be in this mess. Don't get me wrong, I still think it's really all Jason's fault, but it's kinda fun to blame Deanna for a minute. What a loser.

Okay, but dumping Melissa on national TV? In the words of Stephanie Tanner, "How Rude!" I mean he could have dated her for a few more weeks, called it off in private, then called Molly. Did he really need to be such a @$$ about it? Geez.

And Molly. Where do I even begin? How about, why on God's green earth do you want to be with a loser like Jason? Obviously he has commitment issues. He's proposed to 4 women already! She should have done herself a favor and said hell to the no. But instead, she starts kissing him two seconds after he dumped Melissa. Jason must have an ego the size of Texas.

Well, sheesh. I'd like to now say that I will never watch the Bachelor again. But you know I just can't go that far. Sure it's ridiculous. Anyone who thinks you can meet a man and fall in love enough to be proposed to or propose to someone in six weeks, while living with the other people that person is dating is just plain cookoo crazy. But I love every single insane second. And you have to admit. . . That was some AWESOME tv. Sure it's messed up. And when you realize that those are real people with feelings it kinda makes you feel silly, but for entertainment value? BRILLIANT!

I can't believe I was right. Molly wins. Or loses. Depending on how you see it.


Lisa said...

Last night was better than any T.V. drama I've ever seen! Thanks for sharing your take on the whole situation. I agree that the producers of the show and Jason took it too far dumping Melissa in the after the rose episode.

Suzanne said...

Jason is so lame. I didn't actually watch the Bachelor this season, but there was so much hype about it, I watched the last episode and the after the rose shows online. Seriously, he sucks. And yet, I couldn't stop watching it...