Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Well, I tried to stay away. Really I did. No, not from watching the Bachelorette silly, but from blogging about the Bachelorette.

But I just can't go on about my life and not discuss this with you all. Because this is important. Really. Cause I know as much as you don't want to admit it, you're watching it too. And loving every single trashy minute.

So, guys, what's our opinion. Did he have a girlfriend or didn't he?

Was Jake just totally coming back to screw things up for Wes? Or was there an actual girlfriend? And if so, just for the record, I hope to high heaven there isn't one anymore. What girl would let her boyfriend go on a dating show?! Insane! So, I know he said somewhere amongst his drunken limo ride home that "he was the first bachelor to make it it to fourth place with a girlfriend." Was this a bad case of drunk dialing, without the dialing? Or the drunken truth?

Please let your voice be heard. Comments are now open.


Lisa said...

This episode made for some great trash TV watching. I think he had a girlfriend, only came on to promote his music career, and I laughed in shock every time he and his disingenuous self came on the screen. He was a piece of work!

Brittany said...

I think it was weird how unclear it was- but when all was said and done I think he did. He is just a piece of trash all around, and that last episode was so awkward to watch. What a jerk, and good riddance, finally!

Kim said...

I doubt he did he's too lame to have a girlfriend he probably just pretended to to act cool. You should read this by chris harrison it's funny: