Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Do they have angry birds rehab? If so, I need a twelve step for this puppy. Best game to pass the nursing hours away hands down.

What is really awesome though, is when I will be stuck on a board for a few days, and finally I have to put it down for a bit so I don't go crazy. Then Thing 2 will pick up my phone, and (since we start the addictions early around here) pull up angry birds of course, and pass that board lickity split. Makes me feel awesome. A four year old can pass the board, but I can't. Sweet.

P.S. Thing 1 announced the crush is back on. And also that his life is terrible.


Aimee said...

Maybe we can start a support group.

Jo said...

I'm with Aimee! I just downloaded it onto my IPT two days ago and am going crazy b/c I'm stuck on Level 1, Board 12 and I can't kill those green pigs for the life of me! I think I need Thing 2 to come crack the case for me! :)