Tuesday, June 8, 2010


So, lots of things are annoying in life. Pickle jar tops sealed shut tighter than all get out, my ankles right at this moment (larger than the size of Texas), how sometimes my cell phone doesn't send a voicemail through till the next day, Mariah Carey. You know, the sorts of things that just are irksome. Well, get ready to add another one to the list people.

They are now saying that sunscreen causes cancer! I know right? What will they say next? Seat belts are actually bad for you? Uggg. Well, according to this article almost all (only 39 out of 500 sunscreens tested were considered safe) of the most commonly used sunscreens may be accelerating cancer. And the kicker? The FDA has known this for almost 10 years, and said nothing!

Basically, if you don't want to read it (although I highly suggest you do), it says that any sunscreen with Vitamin A, or one of it's derivatives (most commonly called Oxybenzone), increases the speed at which malignant cells develop. This is all according to the Environmental Working Group which just released their study on Memorial Day. The study also says that most of the sunscreens which tout high SPFs are also a bunch of bull. Mostly because of user error, but EWG still thinks companies should better educate people on how to apply sunscreen correctly, or not be able to brag about such large SPFs.

In the end it says wearing even bad sunscreen is better than not wearing any at all, but I think since there are sunscreens out there with little to no Vitamin A and oxybenzone in them, we as consumers, and educated parents should only be putting low risk sunscreens on ourselves and more importantly our children.

So, to find the list of the best available sunscreens (without cancer-causing Vitamin A), or to see how your sunscreen stacks up to the competition click here. It will ask you for your e-mail, but in the bottom right hand corner of the box you can opt out.

So yeah, that's my tip for today. Go out and get yourself some "safe" sunscreen. Apply it properly and enjoy your summer. At least until they tell us something else in it causes cancer!


Sadie said...

thanks for the link... there is something to say about the way that amish/pioneers etc did sun protection!

Max Sartin said...

I give up! I'm just going to sit, sunscreen free, out on my front porch, eating deep fried pork fat and twinkies, smoking my cigars, drinking beer and sitting 2" from my color TV. Oh, and I'm going to do it in the middle of a really good inversion.
Actually, I do beleive in being knowledgable about these kinds of things, but I also think we need to make sure we don't over react. I'm still going to use my sunscreen (rated at a 5 on the website you gave) until it's gone, then I'll check the site before I buy any more.

bingham 5 said...

Man, my cancer prone body is screwed - I guess I will have to play hermit all summer!